High Trust Sales Academy | Rinse & Repeat


2019 is off to an interesting start, to say the least, and the market is begging for trust. Are you answering the call?

Since you last attended the High Trust Sales Academy, do you feel like you’ve succeeded in implementing the High Trust System into your business and your life? Which areas are still in need of tuning? I’d love to invite you to join us to “rinse and repeat” at this year’s Academy.

Our most successful customers find incredible value in returning to the High Trust Sales Academy every year, and I sincerely believe you will too. As an Academy alumni, you qualify for our lowest rate, maximizing the value of your investment. I look forward to seeing you in Newport Beach this May!


Retail Rate: $4000

Alumni Rate: $2200

Please contact David Paley to discuss corporate and alumni rates, payment plans, or if you want to secure your seat by phone!

david.paley@hightrust.com | (619) 333-2452

Click here for more information on the High Trust Sales Academy!

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