Month: April 2019

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #7 – The Law of the Broom “To build your business up, you must first clean it up” Quality systems, quality clients, and quality sales produce a quality career. When your business is cleaned up you can spend more time doing the activities that advance your career. […]

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #6 – The Law of the Hourglass “You must make your moves before your time runs out.” Effective time management is to value each hour that you spend in your business. The 100% Rule: What would your business look like if you spent 100% of your time […]

 I started the High Trust Sales Academy to equip mortgage professionals with a practical approach to a powerful business model focused on building lifelong client relationships and providing predictable, consistent results. The sole purpose for you to attend the High Trust Sales Academy is to create a success blueprint for your business and your […]

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #6 – The Law of the Hourglass “You must make your moves before your time runs out” Effective time management is to value each hour that you spend in your business. The 100% Rule: What would your business look like if you spent 100% of your time […]

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #5 – The Law of Leverage “You’re less likely to fail if you have told others you will succeed.” Leverage is the essential link between what you desire and what you do. You can’t climb alone. To be successful and satisfied in your career, you must surround […]

   I started the High Trust Sales Academy to equip mortgage professionals with a practical approach to a powerful business model focused on building lifelong client relationships and providing predictable, consistent results. The sole purpose for you to attend the High Trust Sales Academy is to create a success blueprint for your business and […]

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #4 – The Law of the Ladder “The success you achieve is directly related to the steps you conceive.” If you don’t have an effective, efficient plan for selling, any business you get is accidental. High Trust Selling is based in intentional, precise and efficient business planning. […]

 14 Laws of High Trust Selling Law #3 – The Law of the Shareholder “Successful salespeople buy stock in themselves.” The mindset of a CEO. Are you a salesperson in business or are you a business owner making sales? When you buy stock in yourself, you build a business that creates confidence and trust […]